MKRF Initiative: Population Growth
Campaign: Tawazun – Family Planning
Partners: Pakistan Population Council
Population Growth – Family Planning
Enlightening People, Removing Misperceptions, Changing Mindsets.
The Challenges
- Pakistan’s population is growing by around 2% a year which is among the highest in the world.
- If unchecked, by 2030, the population will be 245 million and is projected to reach 302 million by 2050
- The current Pakistan population residing in squatter settlements has now increased to 61% or 1.2 million households.
- Within 2 decades, Energy use could quadruple; Water will be an increasingly scarce resource. No plausible development plan can sustain such a high rate of population growth.
- Maternal Mortality Rate, 178 per hundred thousand live births and Infant Mortality Rate, 66 per 1000 live births are still one of the highest in the world.
- Six million married women say they don’t want more children or want to space births, but are unable to do so due to various family cultural pressures.
- Contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) or the percentage of couples using contraception methods is very low at just 35% (lowest in the region, except for Afghanistan)
- Between 2006 and 2013, there was no increase in the use of the modern Female Planning (FP) method.